Manufacturer's warranty

One year limited Apple warranty

With this warranty statement, Apple affirms that it is committed to satisfying customer claims under consumer protection laws or regulations regarding hardware defects in materials and workmanship. The terms of the warranty are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the product was purchased.

Apple's Warranty Obligations

Apple, as defined below, warrants this Apple-branded hardware product against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of one (1) year from the date of retail purchase of the product by the original end-user purchaser (“Warranty Period”). If a hardware defect occurs and a valid claim is received during the Warranty Period, Apple will, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, either:
repair a hardware defect without charge using new or repaired replacement parts;
exchanges the product for a new product that is new or made from new or used parts and that is functionally at least equal to the original product;
reimburses the purchase price of the product.

Apple may require you to replace defective parts with new or repaired user-installable parts that Apple will provide to fulfill its warranty obligations. A replacement product or part, including a user-installable part installed in accordance with Apple's instructions, will receive the remaining warranty or warranty of the original product for ninety (90) days from the date of the replacement or repair, whichever is longer. When a product or part is exchanged, the exchange item becomes Your property and the replaced item becomes Apple property. Parts provided by Apple to fulfill warranty obligations must be used in products for which warranty service was requested. If a refund is granted, the product for which the refund was granted must be returned to Apple and become the property of Apple.

Warranty service conditions

Before requesting warranty service, please refer to the online help materials referenced in the documentation accompanying the purchased product.
If, after using these resources, your product still does not function properly and you purchased the product in Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania, contact the representative of the store where you purchased the product or Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASP) - their contact information can be found in this warranty certificate or from our website. If you contact Apple by phone, other fees may apply depending on your location. When you call, an Apple representative or AASP will help you determine if your product needs service and, if service is needed, tell you how Apple will provide it. You must assist in troubleshooting your product and follow Apple's warranty procedures.
If you are looking for help in Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania, Apple offers warranty service at the location of Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASP) and only if 1) warranty certificate and/or original invoice or other proof of purchase document with date of purchase, invoice or receipt number is delivered together with the defective Apple product during the warranty period , with the product price, dealer information, and product serial number. 2) registration information in the way and to the extent that you have the opportunity to provide it. By acquiring this warranty certificate and/or invoice or other proof of purchase, you confirm that you have read all the information provided in this warranty certificate.

If a defect occurs in an Apple Ipod/Isight product and a valid claim is made after one hundred eighty (180) days of purchase, Apple may incur additional shipping and/or handling charges if the product is repaired or replaced.
Service options, parts availability and response time may vary depending on the country where service is requested. Service options are always subject to change. If the product cannot be serviced in the country where service is requested, you may be responsible for paying shipping and handling charges. If you want service in a country other than the country of purchase, you must comply with all applicable export laws and regulations and are responsible for all special duties, VAT and other related taxes and charges. For international service, Apple may repair or replace defective products and parts with equivalent products and parts that are compatible with local standards. In accordance with applicable law, Apple may require you to provide proof of purchase details and/or comply with registration requirements before providing warranty service. Please refer to the accompanying documentation for details on this or any other topic related to obtaining warranty service.

Apple maintains and uses customer information in accordance with Apple's Customer Privacy Policy, which can be accessed at
If your product can store software programs, data or other information, you should make periodic backup copies of the information on the product's hard disk or other storage medium to protect the content and as a precaution against possible malfunctions. Before submitting the product to the warranty service, you are responsible for keeping a separate backup copy of the content and deactivating all security passwords. It is possible that the contents of your hard drive may be lost or altered during warranty service, and Apple and its representatives are not responsible for any damage or loss of programs, data or other information contained on the media or any part of the serviced product. Your product will be returned to You configured as originally purchased, with any applicable updates. You are responsible for re-installing or re-entering all other software programs, data and passwords. Recovery and reinstallation of software programs and user data are not covered by this limited warranty.

Exclusions and Limitations

This limited warranty applies only to hardware products manufactured by or for Apple that can be identified by the "Apple" trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Apple hardware product or software, even if packaged or sold with Apple hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers or publishers other than Apple may offer their own warranties to the end-user purchaser, but Apple, to the extent permitted by law, provides its products on an "as is" basis. Software distributed by Apple with or without the Apple trademark (including, but not limited to, system software) is not covered by this limited warranty. For details on your right to use the software, see the license agreement that comes with the software.
Apple does not warrant that the operation of the Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. Apple is not responsible for any damage caused by failure to follow product usage instructions.

This warranty does not apply to:

  • kahjule, mille põhjustas kasutamine mitte-Appleʼi toodetega;
  • for damage caused by accident, abuse, flood, fire, earthquake or other external causes;
  • damage caused by use of the product outside the permitted or intended uses described by Apple;
  • damage caused by service (including upgrades and extensions) performed by someone who is not an Apple representative or an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP);
  • a product or part that has been modified to change functionality or usability without Apple's written permission;
  • if the Apple serial number has been removed or defaced.

To the extent permitted by law, this warranty and the remedies described above are exclusive of all other warranties, remedies and conditions, whether oral or written, statutory, express or implied. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Apple specifically disclaims any and all statutory or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the warranty of merchantability, the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and the warranty against hidden or latent defects. If Apple cannot legally disclaim statutory or implied warranties, to the extent permitted by law, all such warranties are limited in time to the duration of the warranty expressed herein, and repair or replacement service will be determined by Apple at Apple's option. No Apple dealer, representative, or employee is authorized to modify, extend, or supplement this warranty. If any term is held to be illegal or unenforceable, this will not affect the legality or enforceability of the remaining terms.

Except as described in this warranty and to the extent permitted by law, Apple shall not be liable for any direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any breach of warranty or terms, or under any other legal theory, including, but not limited to, loss of usability, loss of revenue, actual or loss of expected profits (including loss of contractual profits), loss of cash availability, loss of expected savings, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, loss of data, damage or malfunction, or direct or consequential loss or damage howsoever caused, including equipment and changing ownership, restoring, programming or reproducing any program or data used with or stored in Apple products, and failure to maintain the confidentiality of data stored in the product. The above limitation does not apply to claims for death or personal injury or to statutory liability for willful and grossly negligent acts and/or omissions. Apple disclaims any representation that it will be able to repair or replace the product under this warranty in such a way that programs or data are not compromised or lost.